I've struggled a lot with jobs. I've never been able to get into an industry that I can thrive in. This is not to say that I didn't try. The timing just wasn't right. So, I've been at jobs that I don't really care for - mostly banking. After graduating with a degree in Anthropology, I knew it would be difficult to find work but I was not aware that it would be nearly impossible to get ANY job. This was back in 2007 when the economy in the United States was starting to crash down hard.
Nine months after graduating from university and applying to around 100 jobs with no results, I finally landed a job through a temp agency at a pretty well known bank. Was this what I wanted? No, not at all. I knew nothing about banking and had no interest in it. Yet, the other things going on in my life at the time showed me that I wanted money to be able to accomplish what I had in mind at the time. So I took the job.