
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Short Story - Redemption

 Many times, while listening to music, I imagine up my own story to go with the words of the song.  It's a good way to let my imagination run free while enjoying someone else's creation.  This is another reason why I love music so much.  Creative writing comes in many forms and I believe that song writers and authors share a lot in common when it comes to creative writing.  We both experience something, whether it be a feeling or emotion, or a new experience, and we put it to paper. 

I thought it would be a fun experiment to write my own short stories based on songs I listen to.  Since music is one of my outlets, why not combine it with my writing (since I can't play an instrument for the life of me to create my own music).  Below is my first (very)short story brought to life by one of my interpretations of the lyrics from one of my favorite artists, Florence & The Machine, Shake It Out.  I've posted the video for reference.  Hope you like it :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Get Back to Writing!

After finishing the final version of The Raven Dreams, I was ecstatic and beyond joy that I had a finished book in my hands.  Something I had created purely from my own mind.  It was an empowering moment.

I was also relieved to allow myself a short break from the computer screen before delving into the next story.  But now, nearly four months later, I feel like I should be at least considering and jotting down notes for my next book.  I will admit, the task seems daunting and (being almost 4 months pregnant with another 3 year old running around) slightly exhausting.  Yet lately I've been feeling the absence of writing in my life.  Though I've tried to keep it alive through thoughtful and contemplative posts, I feel this is not enough.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Raven Dreams (A Small Taste)

I thought I should take a moment to post an excerpt from my novel.  This one is not very long (a couple of pages worth) but it was one of my favorite scenes to write and I think it gives a good look into my writing style as well as a small taste of the story line.  For those of you who may be wondering whether or not The Raven Dreams is of interest to you, maybe this excerpt will give you the confirmation you need! ;)


Monday, June 24, 2013

Dreams Come in Many Forms

This blog is not only intended for my purposes as an author.  I want to use it as a means to share cool ideas and special people, music and art, movies and books, and probably much more.  Anything that is particularly inspiring to me at the moment or in the long term.  In my last post I shared the background behind the theme of my book and how a specific song caught my attention.  This time I want to share a very special story about someone very close to me who has pursued her dreams and is now living them.  She never gave up, even though the goal was not easy, and for that - she inspires me.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Another Inspiration

I was getting ready for bed just now, thinking about my book and what music I listened to while writing that kept me inspired, when a thought occurred to me that I had to share.  I wrote an entire post on the inspiration of music in my writing and completely left out the most important fact.  So I had to get on and write it out before it slipped my mind again.  My mind gets boggled easily anymore being the mother to a toddler.  (Any mothers out there know what I mean.)

Anyway, what I forgot to mention is this: the entire theme to my novel was inspired by one extremely beautiful and talented singer/songwriter by the name of Christina Perri. Many of you may have heard of her :)

Book Review: The Lost Symbol

Ok, so seeing as I am 'writing' a lot about writing and what inspired me to write, I thought I should start sharing some other amazing books that have influenced me as a person and a writer.  Wow, there was a lot of 'write' in many forms in that last sentence :p

My first recommendation The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown.  Now most of you may know who Dan Brown is, and probably have ready some, if not all of his work.  He is most well know for the controversial yet brilliant novel called The Da Vinci Code.  I admit, I have not read all of Dan Brown's work, having only getting into his books with the Da Vinci Code, which is a must read!  So, once you've braved the adventurous and thrilling story of Robert Langdon in this novel, my next suggestion is The Lost Symbol.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Unexpected and Unplanned

Life has a way of throwing things at you when you are least prepared to handle it.  Or rather, you think you are not prepared.  I've found, especially in recent months, that even if life seems overwhelming or too much to handle, it is never more than you are able to tackle - you just have to believe that you can over come whatever the obstacle may be.  It's easy to give up or give in to the stress and excitement that has your wheels spinning out of control.  And though it takes a lot more work and may even seem impossible to accomplish, I've found that as long as I keep moving forward there will be a way passed it.  As my man Johnny Depp says...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Inspiration of Music

In any moment that allows me to, I listen to music.  On the drive to work, at home while cleaning the house or playing with my daughter, and even at work.  I'm thankful my work doesn't mind that I listen to music through headphones on my iPhone.  Music is powerful.  It can help you cope with a difficult time in your life or remind you of good times.  It can also be an inspiration to get up and do something productive.

Many writers prefer not to listen to music while working because they find it as a distraction to their thoughts, and rightfully so.  I can understand how that happens.  When I was first working on my novel, brainstorming ideas and character arcs, listening to music actually helped the process.  I knew what sort of mood I wanted at each moment in my writing and was able to pick the music that would take me even further to that place in my mind.  Or sometimes, when I was having trouble moving forward with it, I would stop for a while and just listen to music.  Any kind of music.  I would sit and listen to the words, allowing my mind to escape into the song.  It really helped my own creativity to listen to someone else's, and music just happens to be my choice. After a while, ideas would start filtering into my head and I jotted down anything and everything until a new idea came.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Yoga and Writing

About a year ago, I discovered the wonder that is yoga.  I always heard others talk about the benefits of it and how much better it made them feel, but never really took much stock in their words.  It wasn't until I'd read one of many tweets from one of my favorite singer/songwriters - Jason Mraz - that I decided to try it (just because he inspires me that much ;p).  He always talked about how peaceful it made him feel and that it was so much more beneficial than just physically toning and stretching your body.  It also opens your mind, calms your senses and allows you to see the world through a clearer mind.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Power of Dreams

So I'm not exactly sure of the theme of this blog as of now, but I figured I better start writing anyway. Writing, no matter the form, is important to keep in practice to maintain the skill, just as athletes practice regularly to be able to play in their games.  And here I am, writing because it is what I enjoy, it is how I express myself.