
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Another Inspiration

I was getting ready for bed just now, thinking about my book and what music I listened to while writing that kept me inspired, when a thought occurred to me that I had to share.  I wrote an entire post on the inspiration of music in my writing and completely left out the most important fact.  So I had to get on and write it out before it slipped my mind again.  My mind gets boggled easily anymore being the mother to a toddler.  (Any mothers out there know what I mean.)

Anyway, what I forgot to mention is this: the entire theme to my novel was inspired by one extremely beautiful and talented singer/songwriter by the name of Christina Perri. Many of you may have heard of her :)

It was specifically her song titled Penguin, that focuses on everything being based around "fate, not luck".  While her song is more specifically for love in a relationship, the title Penguin referring to finding that special person to mate with for life.  She chose this title because penguins are known to mate with only one other for their entire life span.  And she loves penguins.

It clicked in my mind one day while listening to this song and trying to think up clever plot lines and character attributes.  She is right. Life is based around fate, not luck.  Everything happens for a reason, to state a widely used phrase.  But more than that, what I realized in that moment while listening to this song was that we choose our path. It's not because of luck that things happen to us, it's because of God's guidance and the paths we choose  to go down that we end up where we do.  So, I got excited and started making notes about how to tie this in as the main theme to my novel, but adding in my own twist.

So, even though she may never read this, I owe a big thanks to Christina Perri for being a big part of the inspiration behind my novel.  It's amazing how everything ties in together in this world.  Whether it be a musician who unknowingly reaches the heart of an individual, inspiring them to do something great with their own life, or finding another person, maybe even one you've never met and realizing they have the same dreams as you.  We are all intertwined in one way or another and I find myself in awe when I see it first hand.  But there you have it.  One song, gave me so much more than I could have asked for and I'm forever thankful for the creative arts and all the different outlets it provides us to connect with each other.

PS.  If you haven't already, check out Christina Perri's music.  It really is incredible and her voice is magical :)


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